(239) 262-3100


Hormone Pellets

A decline in hormone levels is a normal part of the aging process for women. Unfortunately, this reduction also causes symptoms that may disrupt your daily life. Dedicated to helping you feel your best, Tracye Zlobl, MD, and the experienced team at Wellness for Women in Naples, Florida, offer hormone pellets for women to optimize hormone levels and alleviate symptoms. To schedule your pellet hormone therapy consultation, call the office or request an appointment online.

What are hormone pellets?

Hormone pellets are a type of hormone replacement that uses bioidentical hormones to restore hormonal balance.

Bioidentical hormones are made from foods, such as yams or soy, and have the same chemical structure and function as the hormones in your body. When used for hormone replacement, bioidentical hormones function just like the hormones produced by your body.

With pellet hormone therapy, you get a customized blend of hormones that matches your specific needs. Your provider at Wellness for Women places the pellet under your skin, which provides a consistent dose of hormones to optimize levels and alleviate symptoms.

Am I a good candidate for hormone pellets?

Wellness for Women determines if you’re a good candidate for pellet hormone therapy after a consultation. The practice provides pellet hormone therapy for women with low estrogen and testosterone levels.

During your consultation, your Wellness for Women provider reviews your symptoms, medical history, and family history, and then conducts a physical exam.

To determine if you would benefit from the all-natural hormone replacement option, Wellness for Women first checks your hormone levels. If your hormone levels are low, your provider uses the information gathered from your diagnostic testing to develop your customized hormone pellet.

What can I expect during the placement of my hormone pellet?

Placement of your hormone pellet is a simple in-office procedure. During your pellet placement, your provider first numbs the insertion site, usually the area above the buttocks. Then, your provider makes a small incision, inserts your customized hormone pellet, and covers the site with a bandage.

After placement of your hormone pellet, your Wellness for Women provider recommends you refrain from strenuous exercise and take showers instead of baths while the incision heals.

How long does hormone pellet therapy take to work?

Everyone’s experience with hormone pellet therapy is different, but most people report an improvement in symptoms within two weeks of their pellet placement. It may take up to six months before you reach full hormonal optimization.

Wellness for Women schedules regular follow-up appointments to monitor your symptoms and hormone levels, and replace your pellets as needed.

To learn more about pellet hormone therapy and how it can help you, contact Wellness for Women by phone or book an appointment online today.

Call today to schedule your appointment

Appointments: 239.262.3100

General Inquiries: 239.262.3100